Riding A Horse Essay

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` A horse is one of the strongest mammals. Their strength and power can a make learning how to ride a horse a challenge. When it comes to riding horses, there are many different things to acquire. Many people want to ride horses for the fun of it but do not know the proper way to ride to ensure the comfort of the horse and the safety of the rider. Although the proper steps to take in riding a horse may look difficult, it becomes simple with practice.


The steps that must be followed are shown through the process and analysis. The objective of the process is to exemplify the steps that it takes in order to learn to properly ride a horse. Riding a horse should be enjoyable and safe, if it is done correctly with the right steps …show more content…

To make sure the horse is more comfortable when riding, it is important to thoroughly groom it. The process of learning how to groom a horse is the first step in learning how to ride properly. “Making sure your horse is thoroughly groomed is the first step to making him comfortable. Assuring the hooves are picked and free of pebbles is imperative to prevent injury to the horse’s feet” (Stewart para 2). These steps will ensure the safety of both the horse and the rider. Secondly, the rider must be properly dressed and the horse must be properly saddled and bridled before mounting. “Their clothes also must protect their legs from irritation while rubbing against the saddle. Blue jeans and a comfortable shirt are probably best for open-country riding” (Duren para. 3). Riding a horse requires proper clothes to protect the rider and to make sure they are comfortable. The third step is learning how to approach the horse correctly before mounting it. This quote from the article by Gail Stewart describes what is needed in order to be prepared to ride a horse. “…there is more to mounting a horse than you may think. It is important to be quiet and gentle when you approach the horse. Quick, jerky movements and loud noises will frighten him. It is also important to approach the horse from the left side. Horses are almost always mounted from the left side” (Stewart para 2). The correct way to get on a horse, without frightening it, is an extremely important step. Maintaining knowledge of how to approach, mount, and bridle a horse is also imperative. The next step is to learn how to use cues to signal the horse. “To start a horse, the rider squeezes both legs against its sides. As the horse moves forward, the rider lets the reins follow the movement of the horse's head” (Duren para. 6). This step is crucial so the horse knows what the rider wants it to do. Riders use their hands, legs, and

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