Rich White Men Essay

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I really like economics, it is an interesting combination of math, behavioral science, and logic, that can be used to make unique observations of the world as we know it. Unfortunately, like most academic disciplines it suffers from its faults. Even though these faults are not unique to economics, instead they are pervasive in many academic disciplines. Nor are the new, as they have been around more or less since the start of modern academics. Yet until they are fixed they need to be continually addressed, so that we can take in to account the inherent bias that comes with them. These faults can be expressed in one phrase “Rich White Men.” This phrase incorporates the three biggest failings in the field of economics. Which are, that most people in the field have a greater level of means than many of those that they choose to study, they are mostly of European Caucasian descent, and that they tend to be male. Qualities that introduce an inherent bias in to their world view. This is not to say that people in the field of economics are …show more content…

This disadvantage includes there ability to get an education. This does not just mean a post secondary degree, but even just a High School Diploma. Then even if they are able to graduate from High School it becomes increasingly unlikely for them to attend College, as they are often unable to afford the cost of University. While at the same time, they often find themselves in a situation where they are forced to start working right out of High School. This stems to social or economic forces that are caused by the lack of money they had growing up. When these forces are taken in to effect, it is clear why it is much more likely to find people of financial means in the field of economics. Those without said means never had the chance to make it that far in

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