Revolutionary Literature: Thomas Jefferson

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Revolutionary Literature
Unfair tax laws, a massacre of multiple innocent civilians, and many other unlawful acts by the British forced the thirteen colonies no choice but to declare their independence and would go on to create the most powerful country in the world. The Declaration of Independence is what finally separated the colonies from England. It was written and signed on July 4, 1776. It is one of the most powerful pieces of literature ever and was one of the most iconic pieces in the Revolutionary time period and still is today. Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence and wrote a simple Declaration but one of the most powerful pieces of literature. In “ Thomas Jefferson” it says, “In 1775, with …show more content…

One of the main events that literature took place in at this time was at very important political events. One of the most famous pieces of literature and what started the U.S. was the Declaration of Independence. One of the most iconic figures in that period that helped write the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson. In an article by “ Thomas Jefferson”, it states, “Thomas Jefferson author of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president, was a leading figure in America’s early development”. Thomas Jefferson and many others helped contribute to the starting of the United States of America and it was all started by one of the most influential and amazing pieces of literature in that time and still is today. Evidence of Thomas Jefferson being an author that shows this is in a quote from “The Rise of Rationalism”, it says, “Rationalism and deism inspired the founders of the new country to call their peers to war, setting forth noble ideals of religious tolerance and individual liberty. Rationalist thought about relations among people, God, and natural law are the root of the Declaration of Independence” (8). In this quote it is talking about Thomas Jefferson and others that helped write the Declaration of Independence and how they helped declare the U.S. a free country from England. The influence of this characteristic on culture today is huge because in political …show more content…

Thomas Paine is one of the most famous authors from the Revolutionary time period. He wrote one of the most famous pamphlets every and it was called “Common Sense”. This pamphlet is what gave people the courage to stand up for their freedom and stand up for their liberty. In “Thomas Paine, Passionate Pamphleteer for Liberty”, it states, “As nobody before, Thomas Paine stirred ordinary people to defend their liberty. He wrote the three top-selling literary works of the eighteenth century, which inspired the American Revolution, issued a historic battle cry for individual rights, and challenged the corrupt power of government churches”. Common Sense became a pipeline for ordinary people because they could relate to it hence the name it was easy for people to read and understand and they felt the same way as Thomas Paine but didn’t have the courage to say anything. In “Thomas Paine, Passionate Pamphleteer for Liberty” it explains what Common Sense did for the Revolution, “Common Sense changed the political climate in America. Before its publication, most colonist still hoped things could be worked out with England. Then suddenly, this pamphlet triggered debates where increasing numbers of people spoke openly for independence”. In today’s world his influences are all around us because with the publication of this pamphlet it gave people an opportunity to stand up

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