Reverend Hale Dynamic Character

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Reverend Hale is the perfect example of a dynamic character. In the story and movie The Crucible he shows how much a person can actually change. One example of his changes is at the first part of the movie when he is examining Betty he believes that the problems that were occurring in Salem was caused by witchcraft, but by the end he had realized that it was all just a ploy for the girls in Salem to get out of trouble. This causes reverend Hale to start to question the other revered and the court when at the beginning of the movie he would have never done this. This is why Reverend hale is the prime candidate to show dynamic characters in a story because these occurrences changed his beliefs and that in itself proves that he is a dynamic character and not a static character. Abigale is to blame for these problems that occurred in Salem. In order to get out of trouble she made up a story about how she is under the devil's spell. She forced the other girls to follow in her footsteps to make it more believable. After she had gotten herself out of trouble she used it as her platform to get what she wanted. She …show more content…

My game plan would be to accuse the accuser, in that time period they had no idea what was going on, it wouldn’t be all that difficult to get the court to go after the other person instead of me. They would be accusing me based on someone saying they saw me with the devil, they would have no actual proof and could be turned around because if they say they have been affected by the devil then how does anyone know if they are still being affected at that very moment. I would be most like John Proctor because in order for him to get his wife out of trouble he attacked abigail’s character in court which would help make his case against her, and is what i would be doing to get myself out of that situation and pin it back on the person responsible for all of the

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