Restorative Justice Essay

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Restorative justice
It is an approach that is used mostly in criminal offences that are not as big, it is a way of giving people a chance to redeem themselves from certain criminal offences they have committed, it gives people second chance in life because it does not say people should go to jail but rather be acquitted to do something a punishment of the crime they have committed. According to the justice and constitutional development of south Africa restorative justice is an approach to justice that aims to involve the parties to a dispute and others affected by the harm (victims, offenders, families concerned and community members) in collectively identifying harms, needs and obligations through accepting responsibilities, …show more content…

This will look at how certain social work values correlate with restorative justice and these values will namely include, social justice, worth and dignity of the individual and importance and centrality of human relationships.

Social justice
This values promotes the action of having social workers having to open minded and not biased when it comes to the allocation of things like privilege, wealth and opportunities. This relates to restorative justice in a way that, the social worker has to look at such things when upholding the value of social justice by giving people the same opportunities and privileges.

Worth and dignity of the individual.
This values relates in such a way that social workers should not judge or have any sought of biasness to anyone and this case of restorative justice the social worker should be civil with both the offender and the victim by working with them both in respectful manner because even the offender is also human, he or she also deserves the dignity of a human

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