Responsibility And Openness Essay

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Responsibility and Openness
According to the “Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing” written by The Council of Writing Program Administrators, the National Council of Teachers of English and the National Writing Project, students must have certain qualities to write at a college level. These qualities include curiosity, openness, engagement, creativity, persistence, responsibility, flexibility, and metacognition. The article insists that these are the “eight habits of mind essential for success in college writing”. In my opinion, the two “habits of mind” that I am strong in are responsibility and openness. I have chosen these two for many reasons in support of evidence from examples of other writings and from other classes.
Openness is seen as the willingness to view other ways of thinking and actions a person would not normally do for themselves. I believe I am an open person and chose this habit as one of my strengths for many reasons. While writing essays for my english class, I began to view perspectives differently from peer editing and from the many hours of research I do for these essays. Throughout the class, I have become more open minded to other classmates and my teacher’s point of view through their critics and comments. Instead of being close minded and resolving their comments, I carefully take their comments into consideration and change the errors I have made. In regards to my evaluation essay, I have become more open to different topics and other research options such as going to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s library instead of constantly using the internet for sources. In the beginning of the school year, I was close minded with doing book work. I did not think book work was necessary until I began using it to my advantage for my essays. I now know book work and other activities are used to improve my writing and to give me a sense of direction. I am now completely open to new ways to improve my essays. Openness applies to writing in particular because without openness, writers would be close minded to other viewpoints on matters that are especially important in argumentative essays. In other classes, I have become more open to different study habits which have been shown to me, other ways of solving math equations in Pre-calculus, and an overall sense of openness when it comes to learning. Writers need openness to view other ways of thinking instead of their own and using various resources to improve their writing in ways they never thought could be

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