Research Paper On St. John Of The Cross

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St. John of the Cross was a Spanish poet whose work is said to be of the highest point of attainment of mystical Spanish literature.

Saint John wanted a deep and personal experience with God and he found he could achieve this, was to find God in love and faith. In his prayers he had a face to face relationship with God. This is relevant to the Church today because no matter how busy we are in our modern lives we must make time for God to allow him into our lives, so we can repent our sins, listen and follow his way.

He was ordained as a priest in 1567, ten years later John was kidnapped by the Carmelites and carried off to the Carmelite priory at Avila; he was then taken to prison. John begins to write poetry to express his feelings and for …show more content…

He had an idea that he could help expand the reform of the Carmel. He had a great desire which was to help others to know and love God through his preaching, writing and work of spiritual direction.

Saint John of the Cross wasn’t really ‘important’ back in his days when he was alive, as there were others higher than him such as priests. He was merely a person who wanted to join the Carthusian Order, and so he did.

The way Saint John of the Cross contributed to the Church is still ongoing, the poetry he wrote and the life he lived still inspire people today who read them, to become followers of Jesus and to have a clear and pure path to pleasing God. Even though he is physically not around today, he still has an impact on a select part of society.

To truly believe we must give ourselves to God. We do this through prayer but we cannot do this alone. We do this through the Church community, through the sacraments of the Church and its teachings. Having communion allows us to heal and have continued healing. By doing so we establish a close relationship with God. This is what St John of the Cross believed and Christians all over the world continue to strive for a personal relationship with

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