Research Paper On Pneumonia

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The number one poverty illness in Africa is pneumonia which has a large mass of causes, ways that the public can get it, and treatments; it needs to be fixed so that the people will not have to sacrifice any longer. Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in children under the age of five. More than one million children in Africa die each year from this disease known as pneumonia.
Pneumonia is a respiratory infection that develops in the lungs. This can be a fungus, bacteria or virus that is located in one or both lungs and can be life threatening when left untreated. It can be very devastating to children that suffer from the lack of resources, doctors and proper treatment. In poverty stricken areas pneumonia can lead to further disease and created more problems for the people. There are several different effects that can cause this illness to get into someone's system. This disease can be caused by the air sacs of the lungs starts to fill up with fluids or pus, also known as alveolus. It can also be created by bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi is another infectious that includes Pneumocystis, …show more content…

A physician can give out vaccinations and talk with the people to take better care of themselves to help prevent them from getting it. For the treatment part it will vary on the cause of the disease. If one has the viral pneumonia, he or she will have to take an antiviral medication that can be prescribed to them over the counter, while the antibiotics are used to heal fungal and bacterial pneumonia ("Pneumonia: 5 things to know." CNN Wire, 4 Apr. 2017”). For example, someone can help prevent this from happening to themselves by taking advantage of the vaccinations, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and by wearing a mask in dirty or dusty places. This can expresses how one can prevent this from getting into their body system ("Pneumonia: 5 things to know." CNN Wire, 4 Apr.

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