Research Paper On Helen Keller

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A very wise person once said, “Never bend your head, hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” Helen Keller did just that, even though she could not see. Helen lost her sight and hearing when she was only one and a half.

Helen was born on June 27, 1880. Her parents were Arthur and Katherine Keller. She was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama. When she was born she was a very quick learner. She started walking at just 1 and could talk at 6 months. When she was 19 months she got synopsis. She got a really high temperature and she lost both her sight and her hearing. Keller had lot of trouble learning because of this. In 1886, her mother sent her and her father to Baltimore to meet with specialist Dr. J. Julian Chisolm. He sent
Mark was so impressed with Helen and what she had overcome that he showed her to his friend Henry H. Rodgers. Henry was also very impressed. In fact, he was so impressed that he told Helen that he would pay for her to got to college. Helen went to college with Anne to interpret everything for her. While she was at college, she wrote her first book-Story of my Life. She also mastered braille, touch lip reading, typing, and finger spelling while at college. She graduated in 1904 at age 24. This is where her career took
She also founded the ACLU in 1920. ACLU is a foundation that fights for equality. She also won the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She became well known for her speeches about people with disabilities. She also became part of many less fortunate organizations. The TV show “The Miracle Worker” was inspired by her autobiography The Story of my Life. There was also a Broadway play about her. She won an Academy Award for a documentary about her life. Helen Keller paved the path that other blind or deaf people could take. She faced her disabilities straight in the eye and told them that they have no effect on her. She became the first deaf and blind person to get a bachelor’s degree.

Helen Keller lived her life normally just like everyone else and that is how she changed the world. She was blind and deaf and she still lived her life just like everyone else. She went to school and college. She gave speeches standing up for blind and deaf people. She changed the way that people looked at blind and deaf people. Before Helen, very few people got a good education that were blind or deaf. Helen laid out the path for

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