Research Paper On Chivalry

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Is Chivalry actually Dead, or are People’s Standards too High? No matter where you live in the world, I think we can all agree that chivalry is on the verge of becoming dead as a door nail. Some people don’t understand why it’s becoming dead, or when it began, but I feel there are a few simple reasons to why a man or even a woman have changed their some, but not all of their ways. Chivalry is dead, but still alive. Chivalry is the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak. In the 12th and 13th century, chivalry was normal to every knight ever known. They wouldn’t think twice when it came to helping the elderly, less fortunate, or women. In …show more content…

Here in the U.S., the value of chivalry is often taken for granted. Depending on how you were raised has a huge impact because in most cases, how a man treats his mother is how he will treat his significant other. A majority of people can say that if you were “raised right”, you know how to treat a lady, the elderly, or anyone for that matter. Someone knowing what they’re worth is very important. Also, I feel chivalry has a lot to do with what a girl or guy look for when …show more content…

Make sure he is loyal, honest, with a selfless soul.” As I’ve grown older, I haven’t truly picked a man with those characteristics. Simply because a man who loves all those things are so hard to find. Most women settle for what they can get. My grandma found a man with all those characteristics, so I do see where she’s coming from, but she doesn’t understand how lucky she got because it’s not as easy today as it was for her thirty years ago. Personally, I like to date someone who is a gentleman. Call me “old fashioned”, but I do know there is nothing wrong with a guy taking a girl out to dinner, actually paying for the meal and not trying to get in her pants on the first date. Going on an actual date is much better than “Netflix and chilling”. When taking a woman on a date, be courteous, having real conversation and showing her respect is very important when it comes to chivalry. A man would usually try to avoid, swearing, burping, or farting. Men also try to look and smell nice for women. When taking a woman out in public, he may dress cleaner, wear cologne and if the woman is lucky, he might even comb his hair. When a man is hanging out with his male friends, he isn't worried about his manners and will do things that might offend women. When a man is hanging with the guys he will usually roll out of bed, throw on some sweats and leave. A man's behavior

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