Understanding Representation in Communication

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Representation put simply is a way of describing or reproducing something. However, representation can only be fully understood in relation to the environment – most importantly one would need an understanding of the language in that environment. According to Saussure “language is a system of signs” (Saussure in Hall 1997 : 31) that help us to depict our concepts and ideas so that others may understand and therefore create communication. Sign, however, is made up of two components, the “signifier” and the “signified”. The “signifier” is a type of representation as it is the more material aspect of sign such as an image or piece of writing and the “signified” are the “mental concepts” (Hall 1997 : 36) with which the signifiers …show more content…

Although we are unable to know exactly what Van Gogh felt when he created this piece we can establish that it is a “personal expression” based on the lack of realism and the liberal use of colour and brushstrokes. A type of communication is created and we are able to receive “messages” such as how the artist might have felt based on the style in which he painted. The painting itself is a …show more content…

Knowledge according to Foucault is “always a form of power” (Hall 1997 : 48). One might think that power excretes from one specific point such as a state or ruling class but actually it “circulates” (Foucault in Hall 1997 : 49) meaning we are all included in the system. Based off this concept we can understand the idea of a “regime of truth” (Foucault in Hall 1997 : 49) in that we as a society have the ability to create a kind of “truth” which may not necessarily reflect the actual proven truth but more a belief. In modern day every aspect of society has power – the people give the government power by voting them in and the government give the people power by allowing them to vote. However, media plays a large role as it can be very influential and can lead people to believe many things even though they may not necessarily be the truth – a regime of truth.

An example of power, particularly from the media and how it can influence society, would be the Times Magazine Person of the Year cover of Donald Trump (Jake Romm, December 8, 2016, Nadav Kander). The cover on first glance appears quite “powerful” but a further analysis indicates that it is more of a negative frame for President Donald Trump. Amongst many things we must note the use of a Kodachrome colour palette which was popular during the late 30’s and 70’s but reflects the backward ideals of Trumps campaign

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