Report on Village Network For Young Black Men

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Report on Village Network For Young Black Men

Setting the Scene:-


The Village Network is a six months development programme, which

comprises one on one support, group sessions which encourages peer

support, and a network of partners from the private, public and

voluntary sector.

It’s a model that was piloted with lone parents in which 11 of the

participants, work or running successful businesses. Work continues

with others still going into work or having the confidence to look for

work placements themselves. Project Funded by LSC and the Employer


Because of the success of project, we decided to reshape the model for

some of the most challenging black men, some of whom were ex-offenders

or simply not connected or involves themselves in anything.

Key to the Village Network is a residential programme that helps to

build the team. For the women, we went to a hotel for 24 hours.

Understood that the young men needed more of a challenge, we went on

weekend residential. Quite a challenge some of the young men couldn’t

attend because they had to attend court.

Apart from a few dissenting voices, the residential was a success with

many benefits.

Our first group session was very successful. With over 20

participants. We had four very successful black businessmen talking

about themselves, their expenses and their achievements. It was very

interesting but what transpired was that they were living in different

worlds. The young people we are working with lack the self-belief,

even if they have the support and encouragement.

The programme ends in December and we wanted this opportunity to share

and discuss some of what has emerged from the programme it self,

before carrying out the final evaluation.

I will speak about some of the awareness with Dave focussing on what

we consider to be the solutions.

We signed up 22 young people to the programme, 9 attended the

residential held in Wales.

The age of the young men we are working with range between 16 and 25.

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