Renaissance Architecture

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Architecture remains an integral topic to discuss when historical shifts in the time periods occur and the many forms of art begin to shift as well. This is especially present during the artistic shift from the medieval period to the Renaissance where proportions and symmetry are reappearing ideas originating from mainly Greek and Roman times. During the Renaissance period, architects such as Bartolommeo Bandinelli were known for the exceptionally designed domes in Florence, which were larger than ever previously encountered. While the exterior elements of Renaissance architecture were impressive by themselves, the interior elements were unique as well, particularly the acoustics of the structures. The acoustics of the cathedrals in Italy were designed to fit the type of music of this time. The Renaissance gave rise to the use of polyphony which is a multilayered faster type of music. Renaissance architecture and acoustics were considered a divine connection to the harmonious nature of the world by using proportions and symmetry leading to modern techniques of diffusing sound in concert halls and sound booths as well as design techniques used in the architecture and engineering fields today.

The Renaissance churches were designed with the idea of the utility of the churches at this time. Unlike most modern churches, Renaissance churches were not only used for daily services and monks monophonic chants, but the acoustics needed to account for the annual festivals and large gatherings of larger organizations. This required the use of the church for not only monophonic, but also polyphonic music. The architects of Renaissance churches designed the space for both needs. The decorations in the church became an integral part of the ...

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...of architectural acoustics for the modern age since the designs are computerized and studied currently.

Works Cited

Ando, Yoichi, and Dennis Noson. Music and Concert Hall Acoustics. London: Academic, 1997. Print.

Ando, Yoichi. Architectural Acoustics: Blending Sound Sources, Sound Fields, and Listeners. New York: AIP, 1998. Print.

Boren, Braxton, and Malcolm Longair. "Hearing into the Past: Acoustic Archeology in Renaissance Venice." 31 Oct. 2011. Web. 19 Feb. 2012. .

Knudsen, Vern Oliver, and Cyril M. Harris. Acoustical Designing in Architecture. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1950. Print.

Ongaro, Giulio Maria., and David Brinkman. Music of the Renaissance. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2003. Print.

Sabine, Wallace C. Collected Papers on Acoustics. New York: Dover Publications, 1964. Print.

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