Remember The Titans: High School Football Team

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Remember the Titans illustrates the success of a high school football team in relation to the leadership style of their instructor, Coach Boone. His “my way or the highway” approach elicited both positive and negative reactions from each individual player, and from the team as a whole. Utilizing our knowledge of effective communication and leadership skills, which we acquired throughout Nursing 445, we were able to analyze his style of authoritative management, and contemplate the effects it may potentiate when implemented within a healthcare setting. Key characters in the film are Coaches Boone and Yoast, team captains Gerry and Julius, and the community. Initially, all interactions and relationships were racially tense and uneasy. Conflict arose between characters as they had to adjust to the integration of the team, put aside their previously held beliefs about the opposing race and accept their new roles. Eventually, comradery amongst the coaches and team began to occur, once they set aside their outdated views and saw each other as equals. This further continued following the football camp, when they were thrown back into reality of their high …show more content…

This autocratic style was appropriately assigned to Coach Boone because he demanded obedience and respect as the head coach of the football team, and as a black man living in a racially tense community. By using the autocratic leadership style he was able to overcome the racial obstacles with perseverance, and motivate the team. These actions in turn led to them being highly successful. At first, Boone’s coaching style seemed to have a negative impact on a team that did not work together. However, over time it proved to not only bring the team together but it also made the players into better people, both on and off the field. The autocratic leadership style truly shaped the players into self-aware and successful

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