Religion In Appiah's Analysis Of Religion: A Ghana

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Religion plays many key roles in Appiah’s analysis such as their ability to remain in the past for certain events like their seating, a form of celebration, for the king. Even though they are able to live in the past for certain ceremonies, Appiah states that the people of Ghana still live very modern lives, doing simple activities that people of modern nations normally do as well. This can even compare to certain states and cities in the United States where people still live their normal lives but then put it on hold and continue their traditions before continuing their average life. A well-known example of this is the Christmas holidays due to the fact that people put their everyday life on pause for a couple of days in order to celebrate …show more content…

I agree with his analysis because I can even apply that here in the United States except it will be the exact opposite since over here it is very common to find Coca Cola but you can also find imported beers and soft drinks that are actually from different countries. This diversity is what Appiah mainly analyzed which led him to the conclusion that even though our era is “an era of mass migration, … the global spread and hybridization of culture ­­ through travel, trade or conquest ­­ is hardly a recent development” which is why he concludes that none of this is modern and globalization is nothing new (Appiah, 2006). I agree with this conclusion because of the obviouys points he makes such as the fact that just a few hundred years after Jesus passed away, Christianity migrated to Europe, Asia, and even Africa. Another example of this is that even Buddhism ranged all the way from India into southeast and east Asia as well as spreading to other

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