Relationship Role Relationships: Roles And Contribution To My Family

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Relationship Role Contribution Paper As we grow older in life, we obtain new and challenging roles that are different than what we were previously used to. For as long as I can remember, I was the little girl dreaming about her perfect wedding and what her dream husband would be like. I also vividly remember playing with dolls and discussing my favorite baby names with my friends. As I draw nearer to a more mature stage in my life, I realize that my two dreams of being a wife and mother are much more difficult than what I perceived them to be as a young girl. These two roles take a great deal of time, commitment, and work in order to be successful. Both roles have a lot more substance and meaning to them, aside from a gorgeous wedding or a …show more content…

Many times, how we were raised and brought up in our family of origin will be a large determining factor in these conjugal roles (Welch, 2009, 261). Talking through these roles from the onset of our relationship will prevent a mass of conflict that may be subject to happen if we let them become ambiguous. For example, in my family of origin, it is normal for the wife to do the majority of the housework. Sometimes I get the feeling that my mom is very overwhelmed and has an underlying hope that my dad would help her out more. I feel that immediately initiating a conversation about the tasks that I would like help with and the tasks that my future husband also needs help with will be extremely beneficial. Not only will it help our marriage as a whole, but it will make bringing up an issue about unfulfilled roles and expectations slightly …show more content…

Uninvolved parents are low in responsiveness and control (p. 360). A lot of the interactions between these families are meaningless and the only belongings provided to the child is their basic needs. I can learn from this type of family that by providing a great deal of moral support and encouragement, will help my children to fare better. The second type of parenting is permissive. According to Welch (2009), these parents have high levels of responsiveness and communication, but give no demands or rules to the child (p. 361). I can become a better parent by realizing the negative consequences that this parenting style provides and providing structured rules to my child through co-parenting. The third type of parenting is the authoritarian parent, who is reliant on obedience. These types of parents are low in responsiveness and affections, but high in demand with rigid rules (Welch, 2009, 362). Many children who come from this parenting style are in need of emotional support and have more behavioral problems (Welch, 2009, 362). I have learned that by encouraging communication and discussion with my child, I can help accommodate both of our needs without producing serious psychological effects. Lastly, authoritative parents are those who are responsive, but also demanding of good behavior (Welch, 2009, 362). These boundaries are

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