Relationship Between Terrorist Organizations

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Discuss the relationship between terrorist organizations and the raising of, transfer of, and use of funds.?
Committing terrorism requires a great deal of funds. Not just for the extensive "machine guns and ammo" that we usually associate with being foolish terrorists, but for a lot of hidden costs.
First are the payoffs associated with transit. Terror training camps have a tendency to to be located in very corrupt countries. In order to get to the site, you might have to use "off the grid" travel measures which means basically the ability to move around without it hitting your passport. Such movement requires the use of non-terrorists as really... the diehard terrorists are not good at logistics. Border crossing guards, smugglers, passport forgers can all be used for a price. They may not even know you are a terrorist! The world knows that you can buy any state or nation, America has been doing it for years. …show more content…

The Spread of Homegrown Terrorists - Islamic training camps in America's back yard. Why are these communities left to flourish in the US? Interesting that similar camps exist for yrs, but ran by white radical groups with the intent to over through our govt, but are protected by the Constitution, yet when the word "muslin" is added it becomes an issue. I don't hear anyone protesting the fact that the KKK and Skinheads are not classified as terror groups and given to the military to hunt. Or their assets being seized by the gov't. This is from the story in the link here comments by a unknown

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