Reflective Essay: The African American History Museum

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Thought to contain a hundred years of one of the races of people that helped build and shape America as we know it. Being overlooked for centuries. IN 2003 Bush signed a law creating the African American history museum. It was one of the most educational and invigorating experiences of my life. Not many The museum is not only enlighten but enriching by capturing African American history in its entirety. Standing in line at 9:13am the first person there all alone. But I did not feel alone. The glow of the pool illuminated by the first rays of sunshine reflecting off of it. As I stood at the main entrance, outside of this enormous building waiting for the 120 seconds that had to pass before I entered this structure immersed in my people’s history. My walk through time began 70 ft. below ground. I was thrown back in time centuries to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. First I was confronted with pieces of ships that were used to transport the slaves. Which at the time they were considered cargo …show more content…

The museum also contains a pair of his famous shoes. There was a place filled with all the best of our music Jazz, gospel, R&B, oldies but goodies, hip-hop. It was beautiful breath-taking it made you feel like the best was yet to come. That no matter what people face and no I don’t just mean African Americans I mean the entire human race as a whole we preserve. Barrack Obama is so symbolic of this fact so of course he found his way into the museum being a big stepping stone for us. We are masters of our own destiny through all oppression; being mistreated, murdered, kidnapped, and enslaved we rose to power. In these ways I was enlighten and enriched by this museum knowing that a bad beginning only takes hard work and dedication and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Nothing is impossible, nothing is out of reach. The dream is really is only as big as the

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