It began with me in History class, I struggle to hold my head up and to keep my eyes open as my teacher drones on and on about Christopher Columbus and about how he “discovered America.”. Anyone with a brain knows that he didn't discover anything. Anyways, as I try to force my eyelids open, I notice a strange new face. The teacher pauses his lecture to introduce the newcomer. “Okay class, this is Luca, and he is a new student.”
In an instant, he quickly shuffled awkwardly to the seat in the far back, away from the majority of the population. I had such a fascination with Luca, He was a breath of fresh air in this old school. When you go to a boarding school, you get used to seeing the same people all day, everyday. But, I get to see my
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My path happens to guide me back to my room for some well warranted downtime.
A weekend passed and it was time to start a whole new week of school. Just thinking about having to sit through another week made up of mundane classes made me feel sick to my stomach, I decide to stay in and skip out on class. Now, I have come to realize that missing out on school, for me, means mounds of homework to make up for the next few days. But, even homework sounds better than having to sit in class and copy down notes.
I laid peacefully in my bed and contemplated catching a few z’s. I laid unable to doze off , there was this switch in my brain that, for some reason made it impossible to shut everything off and sleep.As if there are little people in my brain who are dilebratly playing a game of tug of war with the switches that controlled the thoughts stored within my brain. had enough of it and picked myself up and proceeded to the door, grabbed my bag and headed down to the library nearest to my room. Upon arrival to the library, I didn’t hesitate to shuffle over to the closest self that appeared of interest to me. I picked up a book and glanced over the summary, I can’t believe that they haven’t removed this book because of how boring it is. I weave through the shelves, and I finally stumble across some pretty interesting books. I scan the bookcase and I picked up a Book with a old, grainy picture of an insane asylum upon the
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I then come to an agreement with myself and commence my short-lived journey to the asylum. On arrival, I notice that the new kid, Lucas, waiting in front of the door to the asylum. I notice that the door has a odd, bright light spilling out from the underneath of it. The building is covered in graffiti with a special thanks to the juvenile in the area. The superstructure in nothing but a deteriorated canvas to the local youth and the birds passing by overhead. I observe him and then he glances over at me and notices me staring at
Some of the problems when studying history are the texts and documents that have been discovered are only from perspective. Furthermore, on occasion that one perspective is all there may be for historians to study. A good example of this textual imbalance can be found from the texts about the discovery of the New World; more specifically, the letters of Christopher Columbus and Pêro Vaz de Caminha during their voyages to the New World. Plenty of the text from this time is written from the perspective of the Europeans, as the Indigenous population did not have any written text. What this means is that it provided only one perspective, which can drastically hinder how history is interpreted. Columbus’s letter of his first voyage to the Caribbean
Would you like to be captured and become a slave for some main that came to your land? I doubt that anyone would like for this to happen so could you image the many slaves killed and forced to work for Christopher Columbus. Also, I highly doubt that anyone would like to hop on a ship and go somewhere in Europe that you don’t even know. The natives were good people, and they were a part of the world too. I believe that Christopher Columbus was a villain for coming to the natives land unwanted, he also only wanted to find gold and seize power, and because Columbus in my mind was a hypocrite.
Despite being one of the most renowned explorers in history, Christopher Columbus’ legacy remains controversial. The debate on whether Columbus should be celebrated has captured news headlines for decades. While many view him simply as a gifted Italian navigator who laid the seeds for the colonization of the New World, history paints a much more complicated picture. His journal entries and eye-witness testimony reveal Columbus to be a man of intolerance and indifference towards those deemed inferior to himself. Christopher Columbus’ treatment of Indigenous’ people, in addition to his ethnocentric worldview, allows for the conclusion that he should not be idolized as a hero in the modern age.
Christopher Columbus is a mythical hero or in other words, not a true hero. The story of Christopher Columbus is part of the many myths of Western civilization. Also the story of Christopher Columbus represents the power of those that are privileged and in most cases white European men that have written this mythical history. Zinn (2009 exposes the truth about Columbus through eyes of the people who were there when he had arrived which were the Native Indians (p.481). Columbus had kept a personal journal for his voyage to describe the people and the journey. What was evident throughout his journal was the Native Americans were very nice, gentle and kind hearted people (Zinn, 2009, 481). As Zinn suggests Columbus spoke of the Native Americans as” they are the best people in the world and
In the late 1800s, the United States proposed an educational experiment that the government hoped would change the traditions and customs of Native Americans. Special schools were created all over the United States with the intention of "civilizing" Native youth. This paper will explore the history and conditions of Native American boarding schools and why they were ultimately unsuccessful.
In America we start going to school as early as two years old and are mandated by the government to stay in school until usually the age of 18, and after that school is necessary to continue on with to be successful with a career. Most students constantly think of ways not to go to school, and fight every step of the way not realizing what a great thing we really do have available at our fingertips. Students have to pay for education in college, and it is not cheap, but the first sign of a class being cancelled a student with rejoice. I was once told by one of my college professors that education seems to be the only thing that people are happy for when they don’t get the entire worth of what they are paying for. From personal experience I can agree with this joy of a class being cancelled. I have found that I get caught up in the luxuries of life or the feeling of the need to be lazy, and thinking of all the better things (or what I think is better) I c...
What is Columbus Day? Americans ask this question when Columbus day comes around every year. We know who Columbus is but, we often don’t know what he actually did. So my next question is “Should we celebrate Columbus Day?” I say no we shouldn’t because Columbus was NOT the first one to discover America and he was a betrayer. He also worked with all criminals who he called his “crew” members. Columbus wanted also all fame for himself.
Christopher Columbus; when hearing that name a large majority of Americans conjure an image of a noble hero who courageously sailed west to get to the far east, furthermore discovering America and bringing the barren land out of its destitution by creating a modernized colonization. Because that is the utopical heroine that is taught in elementary schools, most people do not stop to think about the character of the man who “sailed the ocean blue in 1492” apart from the official holiday in his honor that is observed each year. There are only two individuals in the totality of American history who have federal holidays named after them, so clearly Columbus’s legacy is one of significance, though not entirely accurate. After further research, one can discover information that is contradictory to the elementary version of America’s founder. The United States should not honor Christopher Columbus with a national holiday because he enslaved natives, played a part in the decimation of entire
Before the most famous historic voyage to the Americas Christopher Columbus had no support to go on his expedition. Christopher Columbus tried to get support from the King of Portugal John II, but he was turned down. Spain finally agreed to sponsor his voyage in 1492 across the Atlantic Ocean. By agreeing to sponsor Christopher Columbus voyage they believed they would have gained leverage in what they were trying to do in Spain. The Reconquista made the Spaniards very powerful. By Christopher Columbus finding new land with people and gold it convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to continue to support his voyages. Even though the king and queen believed that allowing him to go on the voyages benefited them it actually allowed Christopher
We all learned at school that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. Columbus takes a glorious position in American history; we’ve named places after him, made countless movies and books about him and his great exploits, and even have statues of him. But there’s a slight problem here: Columbus did not actually discover America. That’s right. He never set foot in North America. What's more, he insisted until the day he died that he had found his way to Asia (his original destination), not found a place unknown to Europeans. So, if Columbus didn’t land in America, what’s left? Did he even do anything important? Why is he Time’s Person of the year? Here is the true story of Christopher Columbus. The Age of Exploration was a period from
Columbus is one of my favorite places on earth. I have lived in this city for about five years, and each day I seem to fall more in love! From our top-notch parks, the bustling young crowds, to the sensational food and coffee scene and the flourishing creative arts, Columbus really is an exciting place to call home!
Many countries in the New World and elsewhere officially celebrate as a holiday the anniversary of Christopher Columbus ' accidental arrival in the Americas, which happened on October 12, 1492. The landing is celebrated as Columbus Day in the United States, as Discovery Day in the Bahamas, as Día de la Raza in many countries in Latin America, as Día de las Américas in Belize and Uruguay, as Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural in Argentina, as Día de la Hispanidad and Fiesta Nacional in Spain, and as Giornata Nazionale di Cristopher Columbus or Festa Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo in Italy and in the Little Italys around the world. These holidays have been celebrated unofficially since the late 18th century and officially in various
This is an analysis of Christopher Columbus’s Letter on His First Voyage on page 381. Christopher Columbus wrote a letter to his King and Queen of Spain, while he was in the West Indies. He wrote this letter in February 1493 reflecting on his voyage across the Atlantic in 1492. After reading this letter, I can tell that Columbus felt like he was better than the native people of the different islands he journeyed and that a lot of things they did were very strange to him. I can also tell that the world was a lot different to him and to people in 1492, than it is to people in 2014 because he referred to the native people of the various islands he traveled to as Indians, whereas most people in 2014 know that India and Latin American are not the
At the beginning of one’s journey of gaining more knowledge, most children don’t mind school, for it is a change of environment for them. The majority of elementary school adolescents even enjoy school to some degree. As time wears on, we usually, and sadly, begin to see a change of heart. Children become fatigued from school and therefore don’t take pleasure in going anymore. Maybe their teachers didn’t teach them in the way that they learn most efficiently, or maybe students just become bored with the whole “school scene” itself. Whatever the case, it is apparent that by the time they reach high school, their interest for learning alone has died out.
...d. I then went back to bed and read another fifteen pages before trying to sleep. I got almost no sleep that night though I kept looking for that bubble above my head with the little Z's. Now whether this was a chemical response or was psychosomatic I cannot be sure, but the effects were there all the same.