Reflection Paper On Taxation

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Tax is forced payment which includes all of people and corporate pay for government.I study in this semester taxation BUS 4163 and I learn many things about taxation which help me in my life. Also, I know the taxes have many different types and our sir is explaining the concept of all types of taxes and why is important. In this course we study how to calculate the taxable income, tax liability of the individual and the taxable income of business entities. I will write in this reflection about individual and corporate taxation. The last thing which I will write it is the challenges I faced in the project or class and in the exam.
What did you learn about individual and business taxation in BUS 4163 class
First of all, I learn what mean the tax and the people and corporation must pay the tax for the government. There are many different types of taxes such as income tax (means you get money from a job), wealth tax (which is real property taxes), consumption tax (we consume for sale and use taxes), tariff and duties from government take taxes. Thus, consumption taxes contains three types which are sales tax, use tax like Salik and value added tax like McDonald’s when they put a price in happy meal we didn’t know it take 1 percent for value …show more content…

When I take the first exam I shocked about it because some questions I didn’t know how to answer it. For instance, I didn’t how to calculate sole sole proprietorship and how calculate itemized deduction. After that I learn how to calculate step by step because our Sir explain for us the thing which we didn’t know about the taxation. In this project, I face difficult to find some of examples because I take more time to find the right example of the requirement of the project. Also, some of the examples in the book don’t give us the solution so I research to find

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