Reflection Paper On Bilingual Teacher

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It was a great experience and I thank the district for giving me the opportunity of experiencing what my career could be like one day. Teachers at Reagan Elementary School are very professional and definitely people I could look up to. I had the opportunity to see different grade levels and even though I thought I wanted to teach fourth grade, I found out I felt in love with Second graders and Kinder. I also really enjoyed the bilingual classes. One in particular I felt kids really connected with the teacher and I would like to have that kind of environment in my classes. Mrs. Lazcano a Bilingual teacher was one of my favorites to observe. When I first went in her class I liked how clean her class looked, usually class rooms have way …show more content…

Gann I loved her second grade class also one of my favorites to observe she was teaching poems students were all participating and very happy with the assignment I really think kids enjoyed this class they all had control of the class activities students after reading were given an activity to work as a group and involved and I saw how she covered most learning styles she had them draw (visual/kinesthetic) another activity she had the talk about the poem as a group to understand the poem (Auditory). During the activity she told me why she changed the activates from the way everyone else was teaching it in English. She explained to me that she changed the activities because it was different approach for the bilingual students to be able to understand and I got leaned from everything she told me about bilingual students and the ways to teach them. and to me teacher was following a progressive philosophy her class room was definitely student centered she had many group activates, she had ongoing feedback to students and was guiding them though the assignments. In order to help the students, continue their investigation of the poem Mrs. Gann was showing them some pictures from the internet and right away she gave me a lesson, she told me that most schools internet is protected so that we won’t have a problem with wrong pop ups in the internet but she told me to take an extra step and always look first before showing to the kids or project thing on smart board. I will definitely take her advice the day I become a teacher. She also inspired me more on what I am doing she had promised her students that she would bring them her Master’s Degree to showed them how hard and proud she was of her new success and I am glad I was able to be part of that she told me that even though is hard work to not give up and to not make her mistake and wait 25 years to get her

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