Reflection On The Unites States

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After reading this article I was not really that surprised, actually. I really liked how it starts of by stating that the “Unites States has been a country of immigrants since its inception” which is true, although, many people tend to forget or try to say that “that was different” to what is going on right now. It also made me think about the previous readings. It reminded me in particular how race, in a way, was a creation of whites supremacy to separate them from the rest. Furthermore, now I because of the reading I have this sense that they also as well created the whole concept of illegal and citizenship status. For them, in my opinion, it is just a social latter to rate someone, to see what privileges they can and cannot have. I also agree with the fact that those who don’t have fair skin are still looked as outsiders, just because they have a distinct skin tone than those of European decent. This reminded me of this meme that I saw in Facebook that refers to a scene of Family Guy, I believe. There is an officer who pulled out a chart that had six different skin tone colors in total. The first three where white tones and they were label as ‘Okay’ and then the last three were a darker shade that were labeled as ‘Not Okay/ Terrorist” . It is just sad how this at some degree speaks the truth regarding everything. …show more content…

Though, later on the article it refutes this idea by stating few ways of many how immigration from different parts have helped the United States. However, some immigrants have so much to contribute to the United States, however, because of a piece of paper that states that they are not residents they are not able to take better opportunities where they can show their skills and their full

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