Reflection On Counseling Clinical Mental Health

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Hi everyone!
In regards to the first topic of this discussion board, I am in Counseling Clinical Mental Health, I choose to go into this field after taking my last class as an undergraduate of the psychology (applied mental health) program, Intro to Professional Psychology with Gary Labine in Edinboro University. In this class I had learned the clear difference between psychology, psychiatry, social work, and counseling. It is also in this class, as well as in the VA I had learned, I wanted to help veterans as a counselor. Specifically veterans who suffer combat related PTSD, as well as, veterans who suffer depression, family, relations, institutional, and/or occupational stress.
In regards to the second topic of this discussion board, I believe assessment is absolutely one of, if not the most important tools in helping veterans who suffer these distressful things in their lives. Assessments are necessary in this field to 1. build a good therapeutic relationship. The more the client chooses to share about themselves the more (a.) the client starts to notice they are not being given a judgmental response. (b.) the client notices they are genially being cared about and listened to. (c.) the client starts to trust the therapist and becomes comfortable with sharing and participating in therapy. 2. to gain an understanding of the clients distressfulness …show more content…

The four stages of helping. 1) Exploration 2) Insight 3) Action 4) Termination. In the stage of exploration, it is important to gain knowledge of the client as well as building a therapeutic relationship with them. In some instances however, a client is able to gain insight within the exploration phase. Simply by disclosing issues in their lives, they are able to gain insight about those issues. This helps clients prepare to either go deeper into the insight stage or action

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