Reflection Of Writing A Constitution

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Writing a Constitution The Constitution of the United States contains the fundamental laws of the nation. The form of the National Government establishes and defines the rights and freedoms of the American people. It also exposes the objectives of the national Government and the methods to achieve them. Before that, the leaders of the nation had concerted an alliance between the States under the articles of the confederation. However, the Congress created by articles lacked of authority to make States work together in the resolution of the national problems. The federal government is divided into three legislative, Executive and judicial branches. The powers of these branches are determined by the Constitution. The branches are supervised, …show more content…

First of all, I will start thinking the way of selecting the head of government and the role that it plays. Then, I will create a parliamentary system; the chief 's government will be vested in a prime minister chosen by Parliament. The Prime Minister appoints a Cabinet of Ministers, which often will be integrated by other members of Parliament. For his part, the head of State can be a monarch or an elected president (or other comparable official). These elected officials will exercise their functions for a period defined before sucking to the re-election. Also, I will do that nations and governments to pay services and social benefits (such as, health care and pensions for the elderly). In order for these services not run to charge of the sector private or the government does not finance them equally, by which is not accounted as expenses of …show more content…

This legislature will settle in a general Congress (Union Congress), established by the chamber of senators (direct representatives of the citizens of the States) and by the chamber of representatives. In some countries, the meeting of the members of this power is called Parliament, National Assembly or Congress. The camera of representatives will form of representatives of the nation elected in its entirety every three years. There will be five hundred members in total. The camera of senators will form of two members by each State and two by the Federal District (sixty four in total), named in direct election, it will be renewed by half every three years. These chambers will integrate groups of citizens, and its primary function will be representing the people in the political labor and the drafting of the laws. Both representatives and senators will be elected by the American people through the direct and secret

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