Redemption in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

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Redemption in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens


Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas carol reflecting on the society that

he live in the Victoria Era. During the reign of Queen Victoria

Britain became one of the most Industrialised countries in European.

From Britain Factories, mills, shipyards came products ranging from

steam locomotives, to textiles and ship, while coal miners toiled deep

below the ground to produce the coal needed to power Britain expanding


During Victorian times there was a serious gap between the rich and

poor. Rich people were very wealthy and poor people were living

outside on the payments in very poor weathering conditions, also poor

people were in poverty. Soon industrialisation began factories started

to open, and poor people began to work in factories. Many peasants

were paid minimum wages. So many peasants were suffering hardship for

example living condition.

Living condition during the Victorian Era were very poor they used to

work for a long working hour and not get any break or time off at any

Time. And Long working hour made poor workers very tired. They would get

straight to work as soon as they enter in. Later child labour began.

Many children started working in factories. Most of the children were

mainly boys rather then grails. Child labour in Victorian England was

described as the children chained belted harnessed like dog, and also

half naked.

Diseases were caught quite a lot during the Victorian times by

children who were working in factories and other sorts of places.

Charles dickens decided to call his story a song because Christmas was

associated with celebrating and singing carols. Everything that’s he

wanted to bring ...

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everyone he meets. He visits Fred's house and has a wonderful time at

the party. The next morning, Scrooge gets to work early. When Cratchit

comes in late, Scrooge pretends to reprimand him, then gives him a

raise. Scrooge continues his kindly ways, befriending everyone and

becoming a second father to Tiny Tim, who does not die. He never sees

the ghosts again, but he keeps the spirit of Christmas alive in his

heart as well as anyone.

The Conclusion is that scrooge is a miserable miser who cares nothing

for other and does not known how to keep Christmas. Consider the

matter more carefully, these fire well fed business men certainly know

how models of conspicuous consumption. Their charity would reach a

handful of people who got out of it a good meal for a day and nothing

would alleviate the sources of their poverty and misery for the rest

of the years.

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