Red House On Mango Street Essay

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Throughout the book, Esperanza uses idiomatic phrases that indicate that she has acknowledged the fact that she is being stereotyped based on her economic status and ethnic background. Despite Esperanza being fully aware of her status in society she knows there is nothing she can do about it right now and makes the best of it. On page 5, Esperanza says “I know how these things go” as a comment when her parents tell her that one day they will eventually move out of Mango Street to live in a better house. Esperanza thinks her parents are being unrealistic and knows in reality that her family would never be able to afford their dream house because she is aware that her family is in poverty. Cisneros is hinting that Esperanza is starting to lose …show more content…

There is no front yard and Esperanza’s whole family has to share a bedroom and the one washroom. Although Esperanza’s house on Mango Street is small, it still has significant advantages to her previous apartments. Unlike her old apartments, her family actually owns their house on Mango Street and they don’t have to pay rent to anybody, share their yard with their neighbors, worry about the landlord, or control the amount of noise they produce. “But even so, it’s not the house we’d thought we’d get.” (pg 3) Esperanza hates her house on Mango Street and doesn’t consider it a real house. To a stranger the house might look unsuitable and unworthy for a human to live in it. Passing strangers look at it in disgust and would look down on Esperanza’s family because this house is all they can afford. In the story, a nun passes by Esperanza’s house and makes Esperanza feel ashamed for where she lives. Esperanza’s family dreams of a white house that has running water and pipes that work. A house that has a basement, at least three washrooms, and a house with real stairs inside like the houses on T.V. They dream of having a house that would have a big yard with grass growing on the sides and with trees …show more content…

Most would say that I have a bubbly personality or that I am a ray of sunshine. My sister on the other hand, at first would be described as quieter and keeps to herself. However, when you really get to know her she can talk a mile a minute and is super outgoing. My sister is as bright as a light bulb; her favorite subject is math and to her, chemistry is a piece of cake. I often find myself envying how school comes so naturally to her and sometimes I wish I could just steal her brains. When we were little we were super close. I remember we would always wake up at an absurd time on Saturday to play games or watch Disney Channel together. We were best friends and could never be separated. However, as we both got older, we started to grow distant and talked to each other less. We got in more fights and I thought she was getting meaner and that her personality was as hard as nails. I felt she was always too busy to talk to me or that she never cared about my feelings. On the contrary, my sister started to view me as a thorn in her side. She felt that I was constantly bothering her and that I was too young to understand or to be able to play with her. When she was in highschool and I was in middle school we barely saw each other due to different after school activities and different schedules. There was a time when we only talked in the car because that was the only time we saw each

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