Red Fridays (JROTF)

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Americanism by definition is an ideology or belief in devotion, loyalty, or allegiance to the United States and to its flag, traditions, and customs. There are many ways to promote Americanism, some are as easy as volunteering or displaying the flag. I personally make an effort to participate in “Red Fridays,” which could simply be wearing a red shirt or buying an actual red Friday shirt, the shirt symbolizes the support of our troops and our veterans. I joined JROTC at my high school, was the class leader, color guard commander two years in a row, along with being the S3 assistant and being chosen for the S3 position. Being in JROTC puts a new perspective on things, I had always respected our military but, joining pushed my respect even further. …show more content…

A lot of the cadets matured and visibly started to show more love of country and Americanism. Having instructors who were willing to share their personal stories and experiences did set a higher level of knowledge and why we do what we do in JROTC. At Conroe High School, we annually hold a Veterans Review: Past and Present, our school band participates, along with all the CISD JROTC cadets. It is always amazing to see our veterans come out and collect as a group, it is equally amazing to be able to hold something so rewarding as honoring all of our military veterans. That being said even doing community service with or without a community service club helping on a community level, goes a long way. In interact, we make cards for veterans, but we also do things like helping out at Kids Fest and collecting blankets for the homeless. We participate in these community service events because we want to make a change for the better and we believe helping others will in itself promote

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