Rebellion In Mulan And The Little Mermaid

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Have you ever read a book or seen a movie that had teens rebel against sovereignty? They usually have meanings and lessons of why the teens want to revolt, maybe for a cause. A lot of famous movies like Mulan and The Little Mermaid have both of the main characters rebel. Sometimes, they rebel for a salient reason or just owing to curiosity and their desire for exploring. They might be trying to prove their point or just discovering themselves and trying to be their own leader.
One example of teen rebellion is Mulan because she goes against the decree and tries to find justice. She is trying to prove the point that women can do anything men can do and just as superior as they can, conceivably even better. Also, she is trying to be her own leader and contend her own battles even though her parents told her she could not be in the army (Bancroft). This relates to Romeo and Juliet because they fought their battles simultaneously when they were not entitled to be together since they came from disparate sides. They prowled out whenever they extort the opportunity so they could encounter …show more content…

She is apprised not to go to the shore with her father because he is petrified for her. She could not help but full-fill her hunger by withdrawing to the shore and unearth the world (Clements). These concomitants to Romeo and Juliet by virtue of when they first saw each other at the ball, it is love at first sight and they knew that they felt endearment for each other. They were curious to assess each other out by leisurely following each other out of the ball without any perception and trying to attain to know each other. They shortly discern that they are from rival family groups, however, they fall in love with each other, so they pilfer the imperil risk of being together (Shakespeare

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