Real Integrity Is Doing The Right Thing Analysis

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Oprah Winfrey once said “Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.” Integrity is having strong moral principles and being honest. Think about what the world would be like if no one had integrity. It would be chaotic. There would be no examples to follow, no promises to keep, and no one to lead. To me integrity is much more than honesty, it's values, belief, helping others. Without integrity, I believe nothing would get done, there would be no motivation to push to do what's needed to be done.

A few years ago my aunt had some of my family help her move all of her things out of her house. Some of my cousins were there and we were all helping out. My aunt at the time was about 50 and she didn't pack anything and decided that she shouldn't have to do any of the work. Naturally everyone in the family was angry at her because she didn't do anything. We didn't say anything because we did not want to be mean. But when my cousins and I decided to take a break, she got mad. I was red in the face because I was getting so annoyed with her. I finally told her that when she …show more content…

I always just thought that integrity was being honest. Now that I am older I realize that integrity is much more than being honest. Integrity is about doing the right thing, even if nobody realizes that you have. Integrity is believing yourself, even if you think something is impossible. More importantly, integrity is values. Near the end of eighth grade some people decided to put a bunch of post it notes with kind words written on them in the eighth grade hallway. I decided to take all of the post it notes and put it on one locker. I came back to school the next day and decided to do the right thing and tell Mrs.benes that I did it. It felt good doing the right thing. The point of this story is that integrity can be many things, one such as taking responsibility for my own

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