Reader's Opinion of Frankenstein in Mary Shelley's Novel

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Reader's Opinion of Frankenstein in Mary Shelley's Novel Frankenstein is an enormously popular novel that is told to youngsters and elderly too. The novel was first published in 1818, based on a terrifying nightmare. However due to circumstances in that particular time, it was left without the author's name on. These circumstances were them of the role of the woman and where her place should be. A woman's role was believed to be at home, looking after the children, baking, sewing, most certainly not writing. However this wasn't the case for one woman, Mary Shelly. Instead, due to having such a radical family, consisting of her father, a professor and her mother, an outrageous fanatic believer of for the equal rights of women she followed in their footsteps. Both of her parents were encouraging her to write. Therefore that's exactly what she did. However cunningly instead of putting her female name to the book, instead she simply left the novel with no name to it. This is due to her not wanting some dominant thinking man coming along glancing at the feminine name then tossing it aside without even reading what the book's title was. Mary Shelly's sly plan worked and became an extremely popular novel and now a film. The novel now has her name to it. By reading just three extracts we get a good idea of how the monster acts and develops. The descriptions and verbs which show us how the monster is change our opinions vastly throughout these three extracts. In the first extract it begins with the creation of the monster. Instantly it is set by a stereotypical horror story beginning 'Dreary night of November' This instantly tells us this isn't going to be a fairy tale love story instead makes us anxious as is what is going to happen, it also shows it'll be a not so fortunate thing, maybe even not planned. Not only has that but the weather also discreetly told us that there will be a bad atmosphere due to the bad weather,

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