Rape Culture On College Campuses

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Rape culture is an atmosphere in which sexual violence is institutionalized, excused and trivialized. (Oxford Dictionary, 2018). College campuses are not exempt from rape culture, in fact, it is prevalent. Women and men have adopted the notion that in rape culture, sexual violence is a fact of life (Buck, Fletcher, & Roth, 2005). Meanwhile, 91 percent of women are sexually assaulted, and 8 in 10 women know their attacker. Acquaintance rape is more prevalent then stranger rape. Women are more than likely to be raped by friends, dates, lovers, former lovers or spouses, coworkers, and neighbors. (Lonsway, 1996). In the United States, young women amongst ages 16-24 are at greater risk for sexual assault (Lombardi & Jones, 2009). Studies conducted on campuses have found 1 in 5 entering college has experienced an attempted or completed sexual assault. (Krebs, Lindquist, Warner, Fisher, & Martin, 2007). The language in rape culture is also expressed throughout the culture. For example, in 2010, a …show more content…

(Oxford, 2018). Often victims (survivors) have a hard time coming forth when acts of violence has been committed. Reasons are fear of retaliation, revenge, or that the perpetrator will go unpunished. (Davis, and Liddell, 2002). College campuses need to provide a sense of security for victims and offer a comfortable environment where they are in control. (Payne, Lonsway, & Fitzgerald, 1999). Survivors often can be triggered when recounting the events of their sexual assault, administrators of college campuses should provide survivors with proper time they need. (Payne, Lonsway, & Fitzgerald, 1999). College campuses need to provide survivors with proper resources, such as where to report the crime, 24-hour crisis hotline, and support groups. (Payne, Lonsway, & Fitzgerald, 1999). College campuses should avoid participating in secondary victimization and create an environment that protects

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