Ralph Change In Lord Of The Flies

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From a well behaved boy to a crazy island man, Ralph had been it all. In the beginning of William Golding's book Lord of the Flies when the plane crashed, and he was saved by the naval officer Ralph had always been the real leader. When a person changes is there a part of their past that is still left inside of them or is it completely forgotten? For Ralph, while he resented the change inside of him it still slowly took over him. The laid back leader was disappearing and a more serious Ralph was appearing. The boys who would soon become his island family wondered if his change was for better or for worse. There are two choices for Ralph. He could evolve like a tree or a butterfly. For example as a tree changes no matter a tree is in its cycle of growth and it never forgets that it started as a young little sapling. Or on the other hand a butterfly who will completely evolve from a cocoon to a butterfly and forget its past completely.
After the plane crash Ralph didn't have a …show more content…

Ralph wanted to stay as a fun loving kid but time passed and changes in him started to happen. Ralph realized that there are real problems and somebody had to step up befor they were all dead. “The rules” said Ralph. This is another phase that Ralph was transitioning through. He wanted to control everything and is was as if the iron fist was coming down on the island. Ralph decided that he should be the new leader and that started a lot of fighting with Jack. Ralph called for a meeting only to have all the boys talking and yelling all at once. So the new island leader came up with the conch. The conchs purpose was so that one person would talk at once and all of the boys would have a say. The conch has a huge role in the changes of Ralph. The conch also helped keep some of the boys from going completely insane. As time passes Ralph starts changing

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