Raising The Minimum Wage Essay

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Raising the minimum wage sounds great, right? Well maybe it would not be so good. The wage that we want we to have seems to $15 dollars, but that would do more harm than good. It would make it very hard for small businesses to start. It also would not solve the homeless problem either. Like I said about the businesses it would be harder to employ people, because the business wouldn’t have enough money to pay people because it would just be starting out. Just to get minimum wage you would need to work at least 40 hours a day and that’s on the wage we have now, besides raising it would cause these businesses to cut hours from employees. Raising the minimum wage also means that the price of goods go up because the value of the dollar decreases because you are basically flooding the market with the money because of how much you would get paid. Some businesses would have to fire people so that they could pay their employees. So it means they would hire less people to do the job. So the business would either hire someone with more skill or move their business to somewhere where the pay is less. It would not help the …show more content…

People without the experience would have a hard time to find a job because they do not the certain skills, also it would be the same for the homeless, “because it would not help those who were unemployed to begin with’’ according to Career trend.com . To be honest the best scenario for you if you are lucky enough to keep your job you would have less hours and less money, The worst is you lose your job and you get replaced. There are previous examples of something similar like what happened in Detroit, they raised the wages and then everybody went into poverty because of

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