Raising Minimum Wage Essay

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A single mom with two kids gets her paycheck every two weeks. Since she can only work minimum wage with her new job, she makes short of eight dollars per hour. For a teenager, $7.25 per hour may seem like heaven. But for an adult, that little amount of money is not enough to live off of. For this single mom, she can barely get by. Raising minimum wage will provide safety and basic needs for minimum wage workers, and it will actually help the economy. Low incomes plague many homes of America. It can cause a family of four to live in a small one bedroom apartment, along with living in poverty. Raising the wage will put millions of workers into a safer, more secure situation. On average, a minimum wage worker makes $14,500 a year, or $7.25 an hour (Raise the Wage.) The Bureau of Justice Statistics states that people below the poverty line have more than double the rate of being victims of violent crimes (Bureau of Justice Statistics.) Raising the minimum wage will put these people into a much safer position, as well as allowing them to live easier lives. With people making a decent living, they are able to buy basic necessities in order to live a happy and comfortable life. Raising the wage just to $10.10 per hour will put 900,000 workers above the poverty level (Motley Fool.) Some economists suggest that it can even raise 4.5 million people out …show more content…

When people earn more money, they naturally spend more money as well. People in America will be buying more things, and faster as well. The more the people buy, the better businesses do. More Americans will also be looking for jobs. The jobs that need to get done but aren’t will be more appetizing than ever before. People will also only need one job, instead of two part time jobs. More jobs would then be available, and there is an unemployment problem in America. With people taking jobs and businesses making money, America’s economy could really

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