Racism Vs Racism

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The topic of race has always been a touchy subject due to the history behind it. The color of the skin tone determined the superior from the inferior and the dominant from the subservient, according to history. The presentation on 01/28, defines race as, “a socially constructed set of categories outlining a group of people who share a set of characteristics—typically, but not always, physical ones—and are said to share a common bloodline.” Race does not only consist of physical attributes but also socially constructed ones too. Race is much more than skin color. The statement, “Obama’s presidency is proof that racism no longer exists in the US,” I do not consider this to be true, therefore I disagree with the statement. Racism is still in existence and is prominent within the United States, whether people want to admit to it or not. Appointing Obama as the president does not prove that the issue of racism has completely vanished. The existence of racism is evident within institutions such as employment, economics, segregation, education, and the justice system.
What is Racism? The act of racism is described as someone who endorses or approves of negative attitudes and/or discriminatory behavior towards certain racial groups and believes that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits (Lecture, 02/11/14). Minority groups are discriminated against every day and have difficulty climbing the social ladder. They are discriminated by the names they are given at birth and also they have a hard time obtaining jobs not because they are not qualified but because they have a certain skin tone or of a certain race. According to Braverman, the name on a resume can prompt racial discrimination. He conducted a stu...

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...valent within the United States. It prevents minorities from getting equal opportunities when being employed. Certain neighborhoods are discriminated against due to the socio-economic level and the impoverished situation. There are not many mixed neighborhoods due to segregation of whites, blacks and other groups. Everyone is not given the same equal educational environment because of their race and where they live. Blacks in disadvantaged neighborhoods are less likely to go to private schools and have to settle for urban schools, whose standards are questionable. There are more incarcerated blacks than any other racial group, which suggest that there is some level of disparity and discrimination against this minority groups. Due to the points made above, it is obvious that racism still exists in the United States and Obama’s presidency did not cease its existence.

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