Racism In Martin Luther King Jr. Speech I Have A Dream?

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Martin Luther King Jr. speech "I have a dream", in my opinion, has not been realized fully, it is a working progress. Over 50 years ago Martin Luther King Jr., expressed his views on the civil rights movement with his speech "I have a dream". This speech references from founding fathers, who declared that America would be a land of freedom, where all men are created equal (Jefferson). This speech illustrated the racist problems of the time; the truth within the speech made the audience feel sympathetic towards the black people in this era. As this speech was such a major factor, it helped the civil rights movement greatly, however, his opponents felt threatened from his works causing him to be assassinated five years later. This …show more content…

Race seems to be a common theme throughout history, pertaining to the injustice that one has received based on their background. However, as race is a big issue, interracial issues are higher than ones of a different race, 85% of the time black people are the perpetrators of the crime (Jefferson). In this article, it also talks about how in 2013 a black person is six times more likely to commit a murder than any other race. This fact is shocking but describes why many people have predetermined thoughts concerning black people and their actions. Even though this fact is relevant we cannot simply look at every black person in the same way, because everyone is different and unique in their own way. The quote from Martin Luther King Jr. mentions brotherhood and it being a solid rock, but in actual fact, even your own brother can turn on you. The justice department has been put in place to protect the people and serve as protection for people who are being victimized. Yet police then and now still seem to abuse their authority, "We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality." For generations, police have rightfully and wrongly accused black people purely based on the colour of their skin, but to the lengths, some police officers take it to abuses their position in which one originally trusted. In recent day there have been many cases such as the Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Ferguson and much more that highlight the police in some cases murdering someone just because they stole something and are believed to be carrying an armed weapon. This racial profiling is so wrong, but it still happens to similar extents resulting in another life being taken away. As much as a whole we try to be accepting, but all of it seems to be an illusion as we still cannot move forward and get rid of the

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