Rachel Carson A Fable For Tomorrow Analysis

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As a child, I was taught to always throw away my trash and clean up after myself in order to be respectful of others who might be where I was in the future. I was taught to recycle and always find ways to be helpful to those around me, whether it be cleaning or simply offering my assistance. Over the years, I hate to admit, I have dwindled from my childhood expectations. Yes, I do make sure to always clean up after myself and lend a helping hand where it is needed, but when it comes to recycling and making sure to be active in environmental preservation projects I have not done my best work. In the piece, “A Fable for Tomorrow” by Rachel Carson, a world that has fallen into shambles is described as being far from recovery and having very little …show more content…

In Rachel Carson’s work, she describes a world that has fallen into ruin allowing life to die away step by step. She begins her claim with the simple statement, “A grim specter has crept upon us unnoticed, and this imagined tragedy may easily become a stark reality we all shall know. With this statement, she opens up a clear argument in favor of the ideas that this world is not making any progress towards bettering itself in the long run. Humanity has forgotten its home in the process of finding technology and bettering itself on knowledge rather than preservation. In my own personal environment, all I ever see is construction and the need to make roads to make life easier. When in turn, it is the roads and the automobiles that are placing more toxins into the air than needed before. According to the work by Aniruddha Sen Gupta, Vehicular admissions are responsible for nearly seventy percent of admissions. Of course, there are other culprits, but car admissions are holding the biggest responsibility. (Gupta 18) Not to mention the trash and left over debris from all the people who have been a part of the construction or the individuals who cannot seem to find a stable trash can anywhere in site. Within my own personal home, my own plants can barely stay alive do to the harsh climates and the constant irrigation issues killing all of the grass in my yard. With all the construction of new homes, the water has been redirected to new flowing patters that has its way into neighboring home’s yards. I truly do fear for what the future could hold just as Carson so clearly pointed out. It is the constant idea of not placing our thoughts into what matters. This way of life has crept its way into humanity’s lifestyle and has allowed us to take more and more advances towards a harsh reality that is to come. We will no longer live in a suitable

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