Race Relations In The 1990s

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Itzanami Cruz
Mr. Glennon
US History 11

Change in race relations in the 1990s
The 1990s is arguably the most controversial, clamorous, and dangerous times in the United states for race. The beating of Rodney King and the Los Angeles riots were only some contributions to what would lead to the change in the landscape of race relations in the early 1990s. Rodney King would be hit 56 times by 4 white policemen causing him to suffer through a broken leg, his skull being shattered in 11 places, permanent brain damage, and both of his knees injured (Whitman, David). Within hours of the jury's verdict, the riots began. Los Angeles was in turmoil with what it has witnessed. What was most surprising was that this was the first time …show more content…

The early 1990s was a strenuous time, but more specifically, for South Central and its rapid changes in landscape. Immigrants were beginning to move in and the crack cocaine epidemic was having a terrible effect, ripping families apart. 1991 and 1992 were the worst record of crimes. Gang violence would cause 1077 deaths, three times the rate today (Sastry, Anjuli). However, in the watts projects, gang violence would come to an end. Right before the LA riots, there was a large gang truce between the Crips and Bloods throughout the three Watts’ projects. With this, came the outcome of unity against police brutality (Radio, Southern California Public). The arrest began when Rodney king, a taxi driver, was twice the legal limit of alcohol in his blood. He was pushing 110 miles per hour in a 35 mile per hour lane, running red lights to get home and not revoke his parole, resulting in him going back to prison. He …show more content…

The 1992 rioting was sparked by the anti black police brutality and the acquittal of the 4 police men. Small disturbances were erupting in cities such as, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Atlanta Georgia, Seattle Washington and San Francisco California. Even though the policemen were recorded, there were no charges against them. A poll taken after the beating shows that 90% of L.A. residents believed that excessive police force was used to take down one man (Linder, Douglass). April 29th, the rioting began. “What we witnessed in Los Angeles was the consequences of a lethal linkage of economic decline, cultural decay, and political lethargy in american life. Race was a visible catalyst, not the underlying cause” said Cornel West in his 1992 essay “Learning To Talk About Race”(Brown, James). Florence and Normandie, which were the locations of the L.A. riots, did show economic decline. This would lead to dropout rates being higher than for the city as a whole, and having 8% of the area's residents having a college degree. Dropouts lead to the rise of gangs, fueling the deadly gang feuds in L.A. The years and years of racial and social injustice would lay bare as people who were suffering quietly had had enough. President George Bush called in more than 4,000 army troops to try and calm down the rioting (Rodney King Riots Erupt in Los Angeles). The rioting would end on May

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