R. Kelly's Bump N Grind

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In 1994, R&B recording artist R. Kelly released a song entitled, “Bump n’ Grind” topping musical charts and remaining number one for in the US for twelve weeks; years later people still quote the chorus, “I don’t see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind”. In other words, I don’t see any harm in casual sex otherwise known as fornication. The relevancy of this song does not lie in its ability to top charts or the fact that audiences consider this a classic, the most alarming thought or reality centers around how the lyrics reflect a secularized view towards sex. Because of sin entering the world through Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God, our perceptions and methods of obtaining pleasure are twisted. Consequently, our position with God, …show more content…

1:27). Sexual intercourse between a husband and wife outwardly expresses a spiritual truth, “…a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh”( Gen.2:24). However, engaging in sexual intercourse outside of a marital context violates God’s commands; as a married person, “ thou shall not commit adultery”( Ex.20:14) and singles are advised, “…because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband” ( 1 Cor 7: 1-2). Now that the Bible provides the objective truth about the nature of sex, the scriptures are useful for understanding the beauty of sex: (1) pleasure and (2) purposeful. How is sex purposeful? Well, along with pleasure, sexual intercourse creates new life, “Be fruitful and increase in number…” ( Gen 1:28); Adam and Eve were the first couple to obey this command through intercourse, “Adam made love to his wife Eve,…she became pregnant and gave birth…”( Gen 4:1).From all of this, the truth becomes abundantly clear: God’s intention for sexual intercourse between a husband and wife for the purpose of mutual pleasure, enjoyment, and the creation of new …show more content…

Chastity avails an opportunity for believers regardless of marital status to honor God with their sex lives. Glenn Stanton shares his testimony in an article stating, “ I had to govern my feelings and desires constantly,… my sexual, physical, and spiritual health demanded… deliberate, internal discipline to ensure that my outward behavior was in line with…God”(focusonthefamily.com). He continues, “We love God in our sex lives …by making sure they reflect…the relationship shared by the Trinity” therefore people are required to, “ …understand some primary characteristics and qualities of the Trinity”(focusonthefamily.com). His concluding statements in the article are complicit with scriptures and teachings found in author Sam Allberry’s, “Connected: Living in the Light of the Trinity” emphasizing the distinct yet complimentary essence of the Trinity that unites them as one in the same way God designed marriage and sexual intercourse. One of the most sobering, classical pieces of advice offered from the Puritans says, “Remember what covenant you have made with God; that you renounced the world and the flesh and took him for your Lord, and King, and Father…” ( puritansermons.com) in other words, everything about our lives must submit to his reign and comply with his divine order. Furthermore, when it comes to living a chaste life, believers are

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