Quranic Verses In Islam

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1.1. History of the study

Islam is a complete code of life. Islam tells us everything about our lives, whether it is religion (Salah, Fast, Zakah etc) or our social life (Marriage, Trading etc) is concerned. Being a Muslim it is our religious duty that we all work in accordance with our religion. Islam has explained everything very well. Trade has a sufficient importance in Islam. If we study the life of all messengers of Allah Almighty, they did trading. It is mandatory for a Muslim that he should trade in circle of Islam whether he is trading individually or globally. Islam teaches us (interest-free) business. Interest (Riba) is Haram (Forbidden) in Islam. So for this purpose Allah Almighty has revealed so many Ayats in Quran-e-Pak about interest (Riba) and there are also so many Ahadees of beloved Prophet Mohammad (Sall-Allahu Alayhi Wa sallam).

Now take some Quranic Ayats as well as some Ahadees about interest (Riba)
 Quranic Ayats:
Verses in Quran-e-Pak on Riba in order of compilation.
1. Surah Al Baqarah Verses 275-281
2. Surah Aal’e Imran Verses 130
3. Surah Nissa Verses 161
4. Surah Ar- Rum Verses 39

First time in Surha Ar-Rum verses on Riba were revealed.
"And whatever Riba you give so that it may increase in the wealth of the
People, it does not increase with Allah." (39)
Allah Almighty says in another place people warning in Surah An- Nissa
"And because of their charging Riba while they were prohibited from it."
In Surah Aal-e-Imran Allah Almighty says
"O those who believe do not eat up Riba doubled and redoubled." (3- 130)
In Surah AL-Baqarah (275-281) Allah Almighty is elaborated the prohibition of Riba in detail.
"Those who take interest will not stand but as stands whom ...

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... system a lender can earn abnormal profit without participating in the business process of profit and loss share.

 Islamic Financing System:

Islamic financing system is not manmade system like conventional financing system. This system is fully based on Shariah rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are derived from the Holy Quran and Ahadees. All the transaction, dealing, business types, products features, responsibility etc should be within the limit of Shariah,
Shariah has made some principals for the Islamic financing system. These are

 There should be interest-free (Riba) transactions.
 Economic activities are sanctified by oppression. (zulm)
 Economic affairs should be free from speculation. (gharar)
 The introduction of an Islamic tax, zakat
 To deny the production of goods and services that is violated Islamic value. (haram)

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