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ANGELA: "People always say you should be yourself, life yourself is this definite thing, like a toaster, or something. Like you can know what it is, even. But ever so often, I’ll have like...a moment where being myself, and my life right where I am is like...enough".

"It's amazing the things you notice. Like the corner of his collar that was coming undone, like he was from a poor family and couldn't afford new shirts. That's all I could see. The whole world was that unraveled piece of fabric. It's such a lie that you should do what's in your heart. If we all did what was in our hearts, the world would come to a halt."

"Love is when you look into someone's eyes and suddenly you go all the way inside, to their soul, and you both know instantly. I always imagined I'd fall in love nursing a blind soldier who was wounded in battle. Or maybe while rescuing someone in the middle of a blizzard, seconds before the avalanche hits. I thought at least by the age of 15
I'd have a love life, but I don't even have a like life."
-- Angela

What's amazing is when you can feel your life going somewhere. Like your life just figured out how to get good. Like, that second.
Grownups like to tell you where they were when President Kennedy was shot, which they all know to the exact second, which makes me almost jealous. Like I should have something important enough to know where I was when it happened. I don't yet. The fact that it was a better time then, when people knew what they were supposed to do. And how to make the world better. Now, nobody knows anything. We know who is popular. That social studies is boring. Or that Brian always has stomach trouble.

You know how sometimes the last sentence you said, like, echoes in your brain, and it just keeps sounding stupider? And you have to say something else, just to make it stop?

Rayanne: "You wanna have sex with him."
Angela: "Who?"
Rayanne: "Who. Jordan. Catalano. Come on, I'm not gonna tell anyone, just admit it."
Angela: "I just like how he's always leaning. Against stuff. He leans great. Well, either sex or a conversation, ideally both."

"People always ask, 'How was school? That's like asking, 'How was that drive-by shooting?' You don't care how it was, you're lucky to get out alive.

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