Quota Hiring Case Study

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The merit system standards case is based on Congressman Wally Herger’s comments regarding the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) civil rights program (Reeves, 2006). In an attempt to persuade the House of Representatives that change was necessary, Herger quoted several United States Forest Service job announcements that included language such as “only unqualified applicants may apply” and “only applicants who do not meet Office of Personnel Management (OPM) qualification requirements will be considered” (Reeves, 2006). The This case study analysis will focus on the Forest Service’s unfair practice of actively recruiting and hiring unqualified applicants, the reasons for discontinuing this practice, and the increase in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaints due to this practice and suggestions for increasing diversity without compromising the merit system (Reeves, 2006).
Affirmative action programs may or may not have been appropriate in times past where inequalities were prevalent and programs to build diversity were mandated. In the United States today, where law bars discrimination, I feel employment opportunities should be based on merit and not on race, sex or any other preconceived notion. Actively recruiting candidates that do not meet minimum requirements or standards is counterproductive to any agency that strives to serve the public in an efficient and effective manner and further erode confidence in government.
Due to the constraints included in Forest Service’s postings many otherwise qualified applicants are excluded (Reeves, 2006). Hiring by quota is unfair to applicants and can lead to dangerous conditions when positions are filled by temporary employees or remain vacant because ...

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...to accomplish diversity without compromising the merit system (U.S. Office of Personnel, 2011).

Works Cited

Berman, E. M., Bowman, J. S., West, J. P., & Van Wart, M. R. (2013). Human resources management in public service (4th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Exec. Order No. 13583, 76 Fed. Reg. 52847 (Aug. 23, 2011). Retrieved from http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-23/pdf/2011-21704.pdf Reeves, T. Z. (2006). Merit system standards: Hiring the unqualified. In
Public human resource management (2nd ed., pp. 41-43). Boston, MA:
Wadsworth Cenage Learning.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Office of Diversity and Inclusion,
Government-Wide Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2011, Rep. (2011).
Retrieved from http://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/

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