Pursuing an Economic Security Agenda: Offensive Realism and China in the South China Sea Dispute.

2011 Words5 Pages

This South China Sea dispute has been described as “mother of all territorial disputes” (Baviera 2004: 505). In the post cold-war era, it is ex
Background to the South China Sea Dispute.

For centuries, countries have quarrelled over territory in the South China Sea, but the area has recently seen resurgence in tensions. This upsurge has caused international concern that the area is becoming a tinderbox with potential global consequences. The argument is regarding territory and sovereignty over oceanic areas and two island chains that are claimed in part or in whole by numerous countries, the Spratleys and the Paracels. Along with these islands, there are many uninhabited sandbanks, atolls, rocky outcrops and reefs, for example the Scarborough Shoal.


Of all the claims from different states, China’s is by a great deal the largest portion of territory. This area covers from the Southern province of Hainan stretching hundreds of miles south and east. China cites its claim of right comes from to millennia of history where the Paracel and Sprately island regions were held as important facets to the Chinese nation. A map was produced by China explaining the claims in 1947, illustrating the Paracel and Sprately islands included in full in its territory. The same claims were cited by Taiwan (the Republic of China). Vietnam however, contests China’s historical explanation that China did not claim sovereignty before the 1940’s. Instead Vietnam argues that it has documents to prove that since the 17th century Vietnam has actively ruled over both islands. The Philippines is another major claimant which “invokes its geographical proximity” to the Sp...

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...ates as not willing to initiate conflict which is up against severe power imbalances.--- Therefore in China’s interest to seize opportunities that are unlikely to be challenged militarily.
Future solutions recommendation according to or
Strengths and weaknesses(critiques) and their solutions
Overall strength of OR and China’s trajectory overall towards economic security/regional great power.
Slow and incremental
- US and Sousteast asian powers
What am I saying: China is increasingly adopting a more aggressive approach to its claims in the SCS. Reflecting that China is seeking to further its economic security. China’s rise is inevitable, and the tone of this rise is yet to manifest.
China’s current actiosn towrd the SCS dispute can be likened remarkably to Mersheimers offensive realism theory. In analyising China through this theory, China’s future

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