Interdependence In China

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Moreover, economic interdependence promotes peaceful trade between countries since it is beneficial and avoids war at all cost. For example, “China’s economy is thoroughly integrated in this complex interdependence global economy,” thus it would be suicidal for China to start war (Wong, The Rise of Great Powers, Nov.18). China free trades with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and has developed a profitable relationship that led to trade surplus (Kaplan, pg.3). As a result, starting conflicts with the ASEAN will threaten the Chinese economy because it will drastically impact free trade and will cause a downfall in profits. The possibility of war between China and United States is remote because China would rather benefit from resources such as, security, technology, and market that United States provides (Wong, The Rise of Great Powers, Nov.18). Although economic power shifts to China, United States provides security because it has always been the dominant hegemony; therefore, it has a better and powerful economy (Green, pg.34). It is evident that China’s economy is rapidly increasing, but it still has no interest in being the head hegemony and therefore does not challenge United States. That being said, countries choose to avoid conflicts with United States or their trading partners since it will negatively impact their markets and investments. On the other hand, hard-core realists predict that since China’s economy is on the rise, and United States economy is declining, it may create conflict. During World War I, a war occurred between England, a declining dominant hegemony, and Germany, a dissatisfied challenger on the rise (Wong, The Rise of Great Powers, Nov.18). However, war will not spark between China and... ... middle of paper ... ...lict. Neighboring countries will want to maximize their own revenues and in order to do so, they will set their own prices for goods and services. In conclusion, economic integration and economic globalization help reduce the probability of interstate belligerency because war negatively impacts the markets and investments, post World War reconstruction helps build stronger economies and lastly, countries would rather focus on specialization than war. In addition, economic integration and economic globalization help the economy grow and expand. These points show that war and conflict is decreasing because countries that are economically integrated prefer to free trade without any restrictions. As a result, markets increase since countries have more access to trade and that leads to an increase in globalization, whereas war would put the countries’ economies at risk.

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