Pursuing A Business Degree At GCSE

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Being from an academic family where competition between myself and my siblings is an integral part of our way of life I am determined to succeed. This is very similar to businesses as they are always competing to be the best and come out on top. Business requires confidence, which I believe I possess and can use to my advantage in order to gain recognition in this competitive field of work. Since choosing Business Studies at GCSE and continuing it at A-level I have always known that this would be my chosen career. I hope to gain a business degree so that I am able to work in various businesses on an international basis. My academic programme includes Business Studies, Geography and Biology; subjects that will help contribute to the foundations of my future business career. My main reason for wanting to go to university is to fulfil my goals and ambitions; as well as broadening my knowledge in every aspect of the course, and thus gain new skills.

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I have always been particularly interested in all of the various cultures as they all differentiate from country to country. I am keen to explore different businesses as their attitudes, cultures and principles differ as you travel from country to country, which I find rather intriguing. For as long as I can remember I have always known that I have wanted to work in different countries where I am able see how different cultures are able to work together as one team which is why I have always edged towards Business Studies. Since taking Geography alongside Business Studies, I have found that the two subjects complement each other a great deal. Studying Geography has helped broaden my knowledge on how various businesses especially in the UK are able to operate in different countries and how they must adapt their products and services to a country’s need and wants due to the different

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