Puppy Mill Animal Abuse

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An animal is abused every 10 seconds. There are hundreds of different types of animal abuse. However, I’d like to focus on two of the most common types of abuse in the world: animal testing and puppy mills. Over 100,000,000 animals are killed between just these two types of abuse. Scientist’s who take part in animal testing use chimpanzees, rats, mice, dogs and many other animals who have similar genetic makeups to ours. The puppies have treated awfully from birth and affect them throughout their entire life. We must abolish animal testing and puppy mills because animals are left defenseless and are being tortured on a daily basis.
Many will disagree with putting an end to animal testing and say we need those animals because they have a similar …show more content…

Animals are stupid anyways. If scientists did not sue animals they would have to use humans. Human life is superior to animals. 92% of products use that work don't even make it to the market so it is a waste of money and hurting the animals. Their life isn't worth being wasted on testing for us. Many animals have extremely high intelligence like chimpanzees, dolphins, and elephants. “In the United States, about $16 billion is spent every year on animal testing. If just half of those funds were sent to food programs, that would create 40 billion extra meals to feed the hungry” (11 Pros and Cons of Animal Rights). People also like to say that every test goes right and they all help people.
Many people that are for Animal testing will say, we use animals to save human lives by using medications such as insulin, Crestor, Nexium, Lyrica, Lantus, and many more. However that is not true there are thousands of tests that worked on animals but hurt humans. Here is a short list of some tests that went wrong. Thalidomide is used to help stop nausea and help pregnant women sleep at night. When tested on animals and pregnant ones too, the test came back negative but in the pregnant women there were over 10,000 babies with defects. Oraflex, a non-inflammatory drug, was …show more content…

Puppy mills are a serious problem in America. The Webster dictionary definitions say to be the following: “an establishment that breeds puppies for sale, typically on an intensive basis and in conditions regarded as inhumane.” This may be true but doesn’t even come close to the surface to the horrific truth puppy mills are. First, the mother dogs who supply the mills with dogs are forced to make litters until they are physically no longer able to. Next, they either auction off the dog or euthanize it. According PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) a non-profit animal rights organization says puppies often get malnutrition from not getting proper food from their mothers and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) causing them to have personality disorders that owners get frustrated with and take them back to shelters or stores causing the dog to be stuck in a vicious cycle of no home. My family and I are currently looking for a new puppy. We know for sure we want to get on from a rescue shelter so we can save one and never even think of buying from a pet store. My family knows that all puppy mills including illegal ones sell to stores. Puppy Mills are all about making money and never the dogs care. These poor animals are being severely abused. What would you do if you were separated and abused since you were born? To save more money the owners of the mills often give the dogs there on veterinary treatment or none at all.

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