Punic Wars Research Paper

691 Words2 Pages

Punic wars impact
Over and over again, man has engaged in war with his neighbors, friends, and his enemies. In a good deal of these wars, it was caused by self-important nations that were in the action of making their empire larger and ended up aggravating another superpower or an ally of one. For some of fifteen years regarding the defeat of Rome the tides went back and forth between the two but ended up leading to the victory of the Romans. When the war was over with, Rome made some very unpleasant request and Carthage filled those requests even though some of them were very drastic.
The first Punic War started with an offer by the locals in Messana for the Romans to benefit them in defeating the Carthaginians. Rome saw this as a good fighting chance to let off of the stretch of the Carthaginian Empire and to stop the possible attack on Italy. The Carthaginians were told that they must break off their invasion or war would be fulfilled. Carthage didn't listen so they left no choice but for Rome to declared war.
Out of the multiple wars, the first battle was fought completely in Sicily in 263 BCE. Since the Romans were the higher in rank fighters they took the ground battle and carried on to prevail until 256 BCE. After the success over Carthage, the Romans started to surround Greek cities that were working with the Carthaginians. The Romans terminated these cities, which caused them to harden their resistance. Rome became fully aware that in order to beat Carthaginians they would need to build an armada and so in 261 BCE they began building. To counter the Romans inexperience at sea they used a corvus. With the gadget the Romans could attach their ships to the enemies ships and come abroad. This made the battle at sea also ...

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...the stubbornness, means, and extra men for options throughout any long war. Rome fitted to their enemies by building their army and trained them correctly. Without any doubt in mind, Rome had one of the best military states that there ever was. The totally rude requirements they enforced upon their enemy united with the massive amount of lost fighters in this war seem far larger an effort than was crucial to put an end to the war. My opinion of this is that this war ended up being an essential milestone in our records and at the same time, it was essentially utterly needless.
Works Cited http://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/punic-wars http://www.dl.ket.org/latin2/historia/republic/punic1.htm http://www.forumromanum.org/history/morey14.html http://www.forumromanum.org/history/morey15.html

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