Public and Private Scenes in Romeo and Juliet

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Public and Private Scenes in Romeo and Juliet

‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a love story that ends in tragedy. The play

looks at each character deeply and throughout the play; it is clearly

shown how each character develops. The way Shakespeare has written the

play shows how certain episodes make characteristics look vivid. There

were two settings where the characters actions were vivid, one scene

being public and the other private. The public scene was at the

streets of Verona where a brawl was created and the private scene

being at the Ball where Romeo and Juliet fall in love, ‘love at first


Two Capulet servants walk through the streets of Verona, Sampson and

Gregory who talk amongst themselves about the Montagues and ways in

which they can make their lives below par. They talk about how much

they hate the Montagues and what they want to do to them. They talk

about fighting the Montague men and sexually assaulting Montague woman

which definitely makes the words of the characters vivid and brings

into the play excitement and also makes people worried about what’s

going to happen next. “Tis true, and therefore woman being the weaker

vessels are ever thrust to the wall: therefore i will push Montague’s

men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall”, tension builds

up as the two Capulets, Sampson and Gregory see two Montague servants

approaching; they discuss the best way to aggravate them into a fight.

They exchange words which make the scene more dramatic and then to

make it even more dramatic Sampson bites his thumb at the two Montague

men which is an extremely insulting gesture. Verbal war of words is

then used and then ...

... middle of paper ...

...e party then he and Juliet

wouldn’t have met. But id he never came to the party he would be

wondering if he made the right choice by not going, or would it have

been the rite choice by going. He would have though to himself that he

could examine other beauties so he would not have to be love sick for

a while to come. It makes Capulet think if he should have thrown

members of the Montague family out from the ball when he had the

chance to and it keeps Tybalt thinking and wandering if he should have

taken his chances and removed Romeo from the ball. If any of the

actions were taken by the Capulets, the Capulets would have a negative

image to the family, therefore at this private occasion all those that

attended the party would have different observations of the Capulets

family, some observations as good and some as bad.

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