Public Service Contextual Analysis

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Definition of Public Service


Clinton School of Public Service


Every society has some form of norms or cultural dictates that define who they are and what they base their values on. One of the key aspects in of communal life is how people solve problems for the common good of all that live in that society. This acts calls for brevity because it involves deconstructing structures, believes and perceptions that the people affirm to. In this paper the author is going to reflect on what constitutes public service in his own perceptions by interacting with literature review and materials discussed in the foundation of public service class.
Introduction: …show more content…

The pragmatic truth is that in defining public service, contextual analysis seems to be a big factor. When we view public service as a noun, it is made of two words. The first word public has to do with a group of people living together under certain rules or norms whereas the other word service symbolizes a kind of activity or work. The oxford reference dictionary defines public service as “work undertaken by someone or organization that benefits the general public.” ( In defining what constitutes public service, the author will focus on the following things. Motive behind the drive into public service, the common good aspect, and the outcome parameters and last but not least the author will look at …show more content…

The author had never thought about this question until it was asked to him. He was very confortable with answering where his area of concern in public service was but not the former. In their book something to believe in, Scheinghold & Sarat argues that, “cause lawyers to have something that that believes in and that they some form of moral commitment that drives them to do what they do. In whatever you do, it should contribute to social justice; the need to assume greater moral responsibility for the consequences of their professional conduct. (2004, p.10) This means that public service is a higher calling that calls one to thwart his personal interest for the sake of others. For one to be in this position, they have to guided by some form of values or ethos as Salminen and Mantysalo puts it that,“ “ The public service ethos is the set of values that guide and motivate civil servants in the practice of their profession… the sum of ideals that define the culture of your work.” (2013, p.168). In referring to Bowman and Pugh’s work, they continue to define work ethos into two categories. “The bureaucratic ethos related to values of efficiency, expertise, efficacy and loyalty. It also has to do with obedience of law to preserve moral character at work. The second one is democratic ethos that comprises of values that emphasizes social equity” (Salminen & Mantysalo 2013, p.169). Therefore venturing into public service, one ought to

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