Charter Schools: Operational Flexibility and Accountability

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Charter schools are an independently public school that is granted great flexibility in its operations, in return of for a great accountability for is performance. A charter school is a public school of choice, which means that families choose them for their children. They operate with some type of freedom from some of the regulations that are imposed upon district schools. Charter schools are responsible for its academic results and for upholding the promises that are made in their charters. They also must demonstrate performance in the areas of academic achievement, financial management, and organizational stability. If a charter school does not meet performance goals, it may be closed. It’s important to know that here in New York they …show more content…

People such as parents, community leaders, social entrepreneurs, businesses, teachers, school districts, and municipalities are able to submit a charter school proposal to their state's charter authorizing entity. Any students is able to attend charter schools, charter schools usually accepts students by a random public lottery. It is also know that charter schools serve significantly higher percentages of minority or low-income students than the traditional public schools. Charter schools are also tuition free like public schools. They are many charter schools around but it's important to know that not all charter school are the same. They can be different their design and in their results. The results are the most important part of charter schools because those results can determined whether the school is able to stay open.

There are many good things about charter schools. In a New York Times article call “Success Academy Schools, in Shortening Their Day, …show more content…

They are many out there who do not like charter schools and who do not agree with some of its way. In this first New York Times article call “At Success Academy Charter Schools, High Scores and Polarizing Tactics”. The article explains how usually when a student is doing badly in school; the matter is usually treated in private. But in the case of a charter school student, having bad grades gets treated out in the open. The article says, “But at Success Academy Harlem 4, one boy’s struggles were there for all to see: On two colored charts in the hallway, where the students’ performance on weekly spelling and math quizzes was tracked, his name was at the bottom, in a red zone denoting that he was below grade level” (Taylor 2015). Students have bad grades in a charter schools to have to deal with the in a much harder way than students at public schools. The article also explains how in charter schools rules are explicit and expectations precise. In charter schools students must sit with hand clasped and eyes following the speaker. Charter schools impulse much harder rules in sometimes is not good for students because it causes them to be more rebellion. In the second article call “Filling Alleges Bias at Success Academy Network against Students with Disabilities”, it talks about how 13 parents filed a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights with the federal Education Department

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